Sunday, May 12, 2013

Subtle Gradient

So, my boss has been jokingly nagging me a little bit about my nails. According to the company dress code, nail polish can be worn but it has to be in subtle or muted colors. This is a rule I have always stretched. I mean, I've never heard a customer complain about anyone's nails. I actually get a lot of compliments on my nails from our customers. I think people appreciate it, really. It shows that I care about my appearance and most people think that's pretty important. Anyway, every once in a while, I do a soft, subtle manicure just to make my boss happy. Today, I thought a soft gradient would be nice.

The colors I used are OPI It's Totally Fort Worth It and Julep Simone. I thought these colors would work well because ITFWI is a silvery gray with a light pinkish shimmer and Simone is a pinkish-lavender with a subtle blue-gray shimmer. I think this gradient turned out fantastic. Maybe, after work tomorrow, I'll add something to it. We will see.

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